Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 9: Golden Gate Park

Nature at it's Best: This class is entitled, Digital Photography: Patterns of Nature, and THAT is definitely nature. I took this picture because it is natural to do what those last two turtles are doing. It is apart of nature for animals to create more of their kind. The pattern to that is, 1 turtle plus 1 other turtle, creates another turtle, and the patterns continues until the specific kind of animal goes extinct.
Squirtle, I CHOSE You: This is a picture of a turtle. I chose to take a picture of this turtle because it was separated from the rest, and it would be easier to get an angle on it. I chose this picture because of the pattern on the back of the turtle. The pattern shows an irregular order, making it intriguing. 
Quack: This is a picture of a duck. I chose to put this picture in my blog because i liked the pattern in the duck's feathers. It made it unique because the patter of the duck's feathers looks like it is in order, but there are a few spots out of order, making it look interesting.

Twisty Turns: This is a picture I took while walking to the beach. This tree had its branches that twisted in a crazy motion. The branches were all over each other. This is an irregular tree, because i have never seen anything like it. It is in a random order, showing chaos, making it really unique.


  1. Wow!!!!! I see you got a little too into nature.

  2. I love the pictures of the turtles, mostly the one about Squirtle I choose you, it has cools pattern on it back. If you look closely, you can spot a starmie =)
