This is a picture of a pattern in milk. To make this pattern, we took four different colors of food coloring, dipped a toothpick in dish-washing soap, and put it exactly in the middle. Over a few minutes, the food coloring will spread and make a pattern, such as the pattern above. This pattern is irregular, and is in random places. It is also colorful, making it look very intriguing and mind-capturing.
This is a picture after Cellular Automata occurred, this was originally my name. I typed in a code and it resulted in a Sierpinski Triangle. I like this picture because it is a fractal that is irregular, it shows self-similarity because inside every Sierpinski Triangle is more triangles.
The picture before the Cellular Automata is a picture i drew of the Bay Area. I thought this is a unique idea because it is in order, but in the before picture, it is out of order, and is moving in a random movement.
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