Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 11: Final Reflection

Over the past 2 - 3 Weeks, i was in a class called Digital Photography: Patterns of Nature class. In this class, we would not only take pictures but also examine nature with a mathematical point of view. Everything around us has something to do with math. Thats the lesson i can take away from these 3 weeks in this class; math is truly everywhere, especially in photography. In photography, we focus on the patterns in the picture, the symmetry, the reflection, and what makes the picture unique and intriguing. I did not really have any problem with anything except staying awake or paying attention when they have us watch a movie. They show the movies after teaching us the same material that is shown in the video. My favorite trip in the class was our hike to Dimond Canyon, our hike to Golden Gate Park and our hike to Fort Funston at the Beach. My favorite game that we played was SET. It taught us to examine each of the shapes, patterns, and colors. My favorite lesson in the class was learning about the Mandelbrot Set. I found it intriguing how the default shape iterates itself so that each time you zoom in, it looks exactly the same. 

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